Monday, November 10, 2008

My dead geek shire

Well, so Google Lively is shutting down tomorrow, so... I'll keep the URL just because I'm a nostalgic type of guy (noooooooooooooooooooo, O'RLY?)

SOOOOOOOOOO, because it took me nearly 2 entire working days, I did a screenshot-by-screenshot slideshow to always cherish it into my heart:

Create Your Own

THIS is a recreation of my real-life room BTW

Monday, October 27, 2008

Super Saiyan levels rant

Watching a video the other day, I decided to add a little bit of my own DBZ exp

The truth is that getting into the whole SS, SS2 and so on, is rather ridiculous because they never fit. The whole story is filled with inconsistencies.

When Goku turns into SS the first time he easily overpowered Frieza, that according to the story, had a "1'000,000" power. Now I'm not sure how they measure that up BUT what I do know is that he moved at least 2 or 3 times faster and hit harder in the same proportion.

Also, they argue that SS power is up to 50 times… like “Kayoken 50x” but without the life threatening and the body crushing experience. So… if Goku had the Power that Gyniu Stated: “Over 80,000”, and let’s say for the sake of not meddling the topic even further that he stayed on that number even after recovering from the life-threat on Gyniu’s fight (Sayians level up proportionally to the life-threat experience), he would have a power between 4 Million and 10 million, which is concistent with the ratio in the disadvantage between Frieza and SS Goku. But then we would have overlooked that Goku in base form stood a fight against Frieza, so at least he had to had like 500,000 or 700,000 then, but THEN the numbers crawl up to 35’000,000 and if you see the fight he doesn’t move “35X FASTER”… although… Frieza fails to watch him get closer just right after the SS transformation.

The supposed Power of SS is uncanny. Then they try to step it up with the muscle form: SS1 Fase 2 (Super Vegeta) and Trunks takes it further to SS1 F3, which appearently is equivlanet to2x and 3x the Power of SS1. So that would leave us with almost 20’000,000 (The numbers are getting ridiculous, I KNOW THAT).

Not happy about it, SS2 is presumably 50x stronger than SS!!! So he have the glorious number of 1’000’000,000!!!! 1000 FREAKING MILLIONS. But then again SS2 Gohan doesn’t move 50x faster than cell… maybe 5x TOPS! although, he did sliced the Cell Jr. that SS1F2 Vegeta and SS1 Goku failed to take out with one single blow WHICH BRINGS TO THE SUBJECT THAT SS Goku is appearently stronger than SS1F2 Vegeta A.K.A. Super Vegeta, because Goku stood a fight against Perfect Cell, and Vegeta didn’t. SO NOW WE HAVE SS JERARQUIES!!!!!

Finally when SS2s where obliterated by the Boos (sounds whitty), Goku SS3 appears, who when transforming ALMOST BLOWS THE CONCISTENCY OF THE STORY AND THE PHYSICAL STRUCTURE OF THE PLANET IT-SELF.

He appearently was as powerful as fat Boo, which appearently is slightly weaker than kid Boo. Goku SS3 could have taken down kid Boo since the beginning of the fight… but he regenerated even faster than Dead Pool, which is the Avatar of Comic Self-regenerating characters. SS3 Appears to be stronger than VegetO (I know, don’t hate me fan boys) who is AGAIN like 5x stronger than GotenKs-&-SuperCharged Gohan-Boo, but in Dragon Ball GT, SS3 is not as strong as fat Boo-fused-Ubb, because “he has the body of a child”. SS3 GotenKs, A SS3 FUSION, is not as strong as SS3 Goku in the Tapion Movie. Now, if we were to add a number to this abomination of creativity… just like wild guessing, it would be like… 50,000 million.

We are not EVEN going to discuss SS4 and ficticial SS further series because, my point being, is just that SS states are just a way of giving a plot-twist to the degenerated rocky road story. It has the sole purpose of having the spectator: LOOK HE IS STRONGER, NO! NOW THE OTHER DUDE IS THE STRONGEST! WHAT? NO THE 1ST DUDE IS THE STRONGEST!!! Cooooool ñ,ñ

It’s like rolling a dice of 20 sides and decided that the fighter could kill the dragon.